Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World War I Begins

1. What are the four main causes of World War I? Give an example for each as to why it was a cause.The four causes of World War I is militarism which the countries would build up there armies and there stockpile of weapons.The next thing that caused the war was the alliance system which one country would get help in the fight against there enemy by having other countries help fight beside them in war.

2. How did the June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand become the spark for WWI?This was the spark of the war because the Archduke was Austrian who were enemies with Serbia and when this went public the Austrian decided to declare war against Serbia.

3. What happened within the first few months of fighting?
When the Germans took over Belgium it caused the biggest refugee crisis.

4. Generally, why did the United States want to stay out of the war?
The lives of Americans were not threatened and why interfere with a war 3,000 miles away?

5. Specifically, Why did the following groups of Americans tend to oppose U.S. participation in the war? Naturalized citizens; socialists; pacifists; parents.
The Naturalized citizens favored where they emigrated from.Parents felt that they did not raise there children to be soldiers but to be there pride and joy and not to shoot and kill another mothers son who's her pride and joy.

6. How did Germany respond to the British naval blockade of Germany’s ports? What was the U.S. response?Germany responded to the blockade by getting help from US merchant ships who would provide food.750,000 Germans died of starvation. US responded by challenging and finding breakthroughs in the blockade and mine field and was able to provide little resources to Germany.

7. What forced the United States into the war? The Germans were sinking our civilian and cargo ships.

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