Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The U.S. enters World War I

1. How did the United States raise an army?
The government passed a agreement that men had to sign to enlist to be in the army.

2. How did U.S. soldiers help win the war?
The U.S. made a barrier of mines in the Atlantic to destroy German u-boats that were attacking merchant ships.

3. What were the estimated economic costs of the war?
The economic cost of the war was $338 billion

4. What did the war cost in terms of the number of civilian deaths; military deaths?; injuries?; and refugees?
There were 11 million civilians that died, 20 million people wounded,10 million refugees,48,000 Americans died in battle, 62,000 men died from disease,and 200,000 Americans wounded.

5. Define armistice.
Armistice is a peace treaty to stop war.

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