Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Andrew Carnegie- he is a privet seceretary for the pennsylvania railroad he was born poor but later became rich. He relayed messages to the trains to help them.

Social Darwinism-An economic and social philosophy having to do with Darwins theory of evolution.

John D. Rockefeller-Rockefeller was trusted by everyone to have complete control over the oil in america

Sherman Antitrust Act- A law, enacted in 1890,that was intended to prevent the creation of manopolies by making it illegal to establish trusts that interfered with free trade.

Samuel Gompers- led the Cigar Makers' International Union to join with other craft unions.

American Federation of Labor (AFL)- An aliance of trade and craft unions, formed in 1886

Eugene V. Debs- formed an industrial union the American Railway Union.

Industrial Workers of the World- aq labor organisation for unskilled workers, formed by a group of radical unionists and sociolists of 1905

Mary Harris Jones- organizer of the womens labor movement. she supported the Great Strike of 1877and later organized for the United Mine Workers.

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