Monday, April 26, 2010

The U.S. Attempts to Contain Cuba

1. Why was Cuba so important to the United States?
Cuba is so important to the U.S. because the U.S. owned most of the businesses on the island and they have a huge naval base there on there allies soil.

2. Why do you think the Americans chose to equip Cuban exiles rather than invading themselves?
They did not want to get involved with Castro so they had anti-Castro exiles do the job for them.

3. Why did the invasion fail?
The Cuban exiles were inexperienced, outnumbered, and they did not have modern weapons.

4. Compare Source 17 on page 345 (in the Arms Race.pdf reading) with Source 24 on page 348. Describe how the Soviet Union missiles on Cuba changed the Cold War balance of power.
The Soviet Union set up Nuclear missile sites and had ICBM's in Cuba which scared the U.S. greatly because of nuclear war.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Arms Race

1. Read Source 12. What methods do you think Dulles had in mind to 'liberate captive peoples' without a war? Dropping an atomic bomb or hydrogen bomb.

2. Look at Source 13. Would you agree that the Communist world was encircled? Explain your answer.I agree that the Communists world is encircled because NATO, SEATO, and CENTO are surrounding the U.S.S.R.

3. Carefully examine the verticle timeline on page 343. Then look back at Source 12. Do you think the development of nuclear weapons was what Dulles might have had in mind?I think Dulles had this in mind because the U.S.S.R tested more nuclear and hydrogen bombs than the US and the had the first satelite in space and the first man in space which is scary because they could spy and use nuclear and hydrogen bombs.

4. Look at Source 16. What is the Soviet cartoon saying about the U-2 plane?
The U-2 is a very high tech plane used for spying.

5. Read the Factfile on page 344. Explain why the USSR was so angry about the US spy flights.The US said that they would not spy on them and they did.

6. How would the USA justify this violation of Soviet territory?
They would make organizations to destroy communism.

7. If the USSR had had U-2 planes, do you think it would have used them? Why?
Of course the Soviet Union would use spy planes because they can get very important info.

8. Look at Source 17. Why do you think the USA had missiles based in Europe?
It would be easy to bomb the Soviets and they could send icbms to anywhere else.

9. Define the term 'nuclear deterrent' in not more than 20 words
A nuclear deterrent is the phrase used to refer to a country's nuclear weapons arsenal, when considered in the context of deterrence theory.
Deterrence theory holds that nuclear weapons are intended to deter other states from attacking with their nuclear weapons, through the promise of retaliation and mutually assured destruction (MAD). It can also be assigned as a response to an attack by conventional forces; for example, the doctrine of massive retaliation threatened to launch US nuclear weapons in response to Soviet attacks.
In order for a nuclear deterrent to be successful, a country must preserve its second-strike capability. A nuclear deterrent is sometimes composed of a nuclear triad, as in the case of the nuclear weapons owned by the United States. Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, have only sea-based nuclear weapons.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Eisenhower & The Cold War

How did the United States react to the following 7 events, and why?

1. The Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949. The U.S. was in an arms race and they wanted to be the first to make a Hydrogen bomb. People feared that they might die or blow up the world. Truman feared that the Soviet Union would launch a nuclear bomb and target the U.S.

2. In 1951, the Iranian prime minister placed the oil industry in Iran under the Iranian government’s control. This angered the U.S. because they owned the oil in Iran but the Iranian prime minister put it under his control.

3. The Guatemalan head of government gave American-owned land in Guatemala to peasants.
This angered the U.S. because they owned the land and it is not right to give it away especially to peasants.

4. In 1956, Britain, France, and Israel invaded Egypt and occupied the Suez Canal.
This angered the U.S. because Egypt was using them only as an aid.

5. Soviet tanks invaded Hungary and fired on protesters in 1956.
This angered the U.S. because Soviets are using tanks and killing innocent people just because they protest, disagree, and don't support them.

6. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.
This was scary to the Americans because they did not know if the satellite in space was a weapon or a way of spying.

7. In 1960, the Soviet Union brought down an American U-2 piloted by Francis Gary Powers.
This angered the U.S. because they had an agreement that no U-2 planes would be used to spy on other countries but they both used them for protection and this angered them both.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Red Scare (1950s).

1. HUAC- The House Un-American Committee was the most famous committee that investigated communist influences inside and outside the U.S. government for the years following World War II.

2. Blacklist- A list of about 500 actors, writers, produsers, and directors who were not allowed to work on Hollywood films because of their alleged Communist connections.

3. Alger Hiss- He was accused of being a communist spy for the Soviets.

4. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg- Were spies who gave intel to the Soviets about the U.S.
making an atomic bomb so they started to build one too.

5. Joseph McCarthy- Was a senator who was poor when it came to legislation. He said that Communists were taking over the government.

6. McCarthyism- Accusing people without any evidence.

7. In a paragraph, describe the motivations and actions of Joseph McCarthy during the 1950s. What prompted his actions? What did he do? What happened as a result of his actions? When Joseph McCarthy realized that he would not win the election he began to make false accusations telling lies and he was sent to jail.