Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dropping the Atomic Bomb

1. What factors have affected viewpoints on Truman's decision?
The production rates of his enemies. They would not surrender.
2. Do you think he made the right decision? Give your reasons.
He wanted the war to end and if the Japanese did not surrender he would drop the bomb so they refused and he did.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

War in the Pacific

1. What was the importance of the Battle of Midway?
It was a turning point in war because they can island hop. Allied spies found out that Japan was going to attack Midway Island because that was there next target so the Allies had time to set up and defend Midway Island. They blew up Planes before they could even take off from there aircraft carriers.

2. What strategy did the United States adopt in fighting Japan?
Island hopping was the strategy they adopted from Japan because they did it to them during Pearl Harbor so now they can use it.

3. Why did the Japanese fight so hard on Iwo Jima?
Iwo Jima was controlled by the Japanese who had 20,700 men entrenched in tunnels and in caves with guns.

4. Why did the Allies believe Okinawa was a foretaste of an invasion of Japan?
Because they were out numbered and they were doing everything in there power to defeat the US in war.

5. What was the Manhattan Project?
The Manhattan Project was the development of an atomic bomb which was the best kept secret.

6. Ultimately, why did President Truman decide to drop atomic bombs on Japan?
He wanted the war to end and if the Japanese did not surrender he would drop the bomb so they refused and he did.

Monday, March 8, 2010

War for Europe & North Africa

1. To what did Roosevelt and Churchill agree early in the war?
They both believed that they should attack Hitler first because it would be easier to send reinforcements for the war in the Pacific.

2. Why was winning the Battle of the Atlantic so crucial to the fortunes of the Allies?
They were able to still trade with Great Britain and not have to worry about Hitler sinking our ships.

3. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad so important?
It was a turning point in the war because the Soviet Union stopped Hitler from taking over there resources by using the cold winter season against Germany and cutting off there supplies.

4. What happened in the war in North Africa?
The US and the Soviet Union fought North Africa because they were aiding Germany in the war. Africa was not able to provide reinforcements for Germany because they were at war with the US and Soviet Union.

5. What happened after the Allies invaded Italy?
Mussolini was forced to resign and was hated through out Italy.

Mobilizing for WWII.

1. Selective Service System- was a document for enlisting in war. The gov. was trying to get as many men as they could to help aid the soldiers in combat. The enlistment was for any man that was the age 17 and up. These men had to be trained because they were ordinary citizens wanting to help fight in the war and had no expierience.

2. Women- were given any job in the war as long as it was not in engaging combat. They could drive ambulances, they could be nurses, pilots,and telephone operators etc.

3. Minorities- any race other than white was segregated and were denied citizenship
they question why fight for democracy if they dont even have it.

4. Manufacturers-factories were made into war production facilities. Making pencils turned into making bombs, making bed spreads turned into making mosquito nets,Soft drinks turned into making explosives and gunshells.

5. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD)- Scientists were made to research and develope new technology like radar, sonar, DDT, Penicilin, and the atomic bomb.

6 Entertainment industry- helped make propaganda posters and make recruiting posters and posters to make people to support our troops.

7. Office of Price Administration (OPA)- fought inflation by freezing wages, prices, and rents. They would ration foods, like meat, butter, cheese, vegetables, sugar, and coffee.

8. War Production Board (WPB)- rationed fuel and materials vital to the war effort, such as gasoline, heating oil, metals, rubber, and plastics.

9. Rationing- fixed allotments of goods deemed essential for the military. Ration books were coupons that would let you buy scarce goods like meat, shoes, sugar , coffee, and gasoline.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Japan and U.S. Relations in 1941

Document A

*By advancing to the South will make Japan strong
*They will provide aid to Germany and Italy so they can defeat England
*Increases the chance that China will surrender and the Soviet Union
*They can take over major sources of strategic materials hurting the US
*They will create a ring over Asia
*They will be able to conquer any country that was hostile toward them
*They will have the power to defeat the US and England

Document B

*Japan is boasting that they have like a blockade around Asia
*The US thinks of Japan as no threat and that they are crazy.

Document C

*The US is making in fun of Japan because they feel superior
*Japan tried to be peaceful and wants to negotiate but the US is avoiding them
*Japan then says that the Pacific will not be peaceful anymore meaning war

Document D
*We will try hard to make our government and military stronger
*They will try hard to make there nation united
*They will bring war and achieve victory

Document E

*Japan disobeyed there emperors and attacked the US when they were trying to make peace
*Japan used peacefullness to there advantage by seeming good but they were actually bad and attacked the US
*Japanese victory